Phenom Desktop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a high-resolution, portable imaging tool that is fast and easy to use. With magnifications of 20x to 20,000x and an ultimate resolution of 30 nm, its ideal for routine inspection of materials, detailed imaging or classroom instruction.
Phenom Desktop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a high-resolution, portable imaging tool that is fast and easy to use. With magnifications of 20x to 20,000x and an ultimate resolution of 30 nm, it’s ideal for routine inspection of materials, detailed imaging or classroom instruction. The Inspect line includes two scanning electron microscopes, one with tungsten and one with FEG, for use where high-resolution imaging is routine. These cost-effective, flexible, state-of-the-art scanning electron microscopes are built using FEI’s advanced technology, making them valuable for industrial manufacturers and researchers working with material characterization and inspection applications.